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Dear Students, I have just put new content in the Enrichment Material menu for the role of Biology in our daily life. Further, at the Grade X menu, you can find and download the Moduls for KD 1A, 1B, 1C, and 4A (on Virus).

Just check it out.

Enjoy and learn more…

Updated: August 4, 2020

Dear Students,

I have just updated the contents of enrichment material. Just look at the Enrichment Materials Menu and you can find the material for reading about the role of Biology in our daily life.

Read all the materials. And at the bottom of the pages, you find a link to download the material in pdf file format. Just download it for your learning. If you want to look at it whenever you go, you can open our website to find the material.

I also have added the material on Designing the research proposal, the steps to proceed the good researcher, and the example of research report in a journal in Indonesia and English language.


(Updated: July 29, 2020)

Dear Students,

Safety and healthy are important during Covid-19 Pandemic. Do not forget to comply with Covid-19 protocols in your activities. This is some activities you can do at home. Making safety mask and face shield.

(updated: July 28, 2020)

Cara Membuat Face Shield dengan Barang yang ada di rumah
Cara Membuat Masker Sederhana

Updated: July 28, 2020

Dear Students,

Welcome to Bio Science Online Learning website. The website contains materials for Biology Science subject at Regina Pacis High School Jakarta, Indonesia. But, more than materials, this websites is a living documentary of our students learning and activities just as demanded by Curriculum 2013. In accordance with the Government regulation, our school uses Curriculum 2013 supplemented with global curriculum for preparing our young generation in the future!

I hope you will find this site is very helpful for your study. For my students, this site is for you, use it, learn from it and contribute to the enrichment of this website. I hope you could gain much advantage from this site during your study. Prepare yourself better.

We will learn together with this wonderful media, especially during the Pandemic Covid-19. This website is a media communication for improving our learning during all academic years.

I have added some websites for your personal learning. In the links (tautan) you find various sites to learn more about our stuffs. There are also animations. I give you also link for biology on line course for those who want to learn more. This biology on line are university courses. It is a bit difficult, but at least you know that biology is very interesting study for people who really care for the living.

Critics and ideas for the betterment of our study through this site are welcome.

Best ecological and warm regards,

Ms. Evy Anggraeny Dhewi
June 22, 2020