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Modul of Learning
Modul KD 1A – Ruang Lingkup Biologi – Cabang-Cabang Ilmu Biologi dan IPTEK (Download)
Modul KD 1B – Ruang Lingkup Biologi – Karir dan Peranan Biologi bagi kehidupan manusia (Download)
Modul KD 1C – Ruang Lingkup Biologi – Metode Ilmiah dan Keselamatan Kerja (Download)
Modul KD 4A – Kingdom Virus – Karakteristik Virus (Download)
PPT Virus (Download)
Updated : August 4, 2020
Dear students,
Just look at the Enrichment menu to deepen our material for our learning. Enrichment materials are biology learning contents functions as supplement of our learning module in every lessons.
I have posted the new enrichment material for topics the role biology in our daily life at Enrichment Materials menu. Just read it carefully and follow the link.
Updated: 28 July 2020
Dear Students,
before beginning our study, I would like to invite us all to understand our class commitment during the study. It is important to understand and have strong commitment so that we can gain success in our study.
Just look at a moment to read our Class Commitment.
Para murid, sebelum kita memulai pembelajaran kita, baik bila kita bersama-sama menyepakati tentang Kontrak Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh agar pembelajaran kita selama satu tahun ini akan berjalan dengan baik.
Silakan pelajari dan unduh kontrak pembelajaran di bawah ini.
Komitmen (Kontrak) Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) BIOLOGI Kelas X MIPA Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 (Download)